Support Coordination

Support Coordination helps and guide you to learn more about your NDIS plan. Our support coordinators help you to find most suitable providers, products and services for your needs.


Support coordination services

Help to navigate the support services you need.
BHC can help you get the best out of your NDIS plan.

Your BHC support coordinator will seek to really understand your goals and will explore what supports you need to achieve them. These may include paid services, activities available to anyone in the community, and identifying friends and family who can be part of your support system.

BHC will help you navigate the service system and can assist you to develop service agreements with providers. If your NDIS plan provides for it, we can also help you manage bookings and payment of invoices.

To establish a service agreement with BHC for support coordination:

call our customer service centre BHC on 1300 513 309